Is it possible to change the button class within a div while ensuring only the last one retains the change?

Here is a code snippet I'm using to switch between classes for buttons:

$('button').on('click', function(){
    var btn=$(this);


I need help with modifying this code so that when I click on a button in a div, any other buttons within the same div that were changed previously revert back to the default class 'tct-button'. Only the most recently clicked button should have the 'tct-button2' class. Can you assist me with this modification?

Answer №1

Utilize the toggleClass function in jQuery instead of using hasClass()

$(this).toggleClass("custom-button1 custom-button2");

See Example

Answer №2

Check if any of the selected elements have a specific class using hasClass()

Determine whether any of the matched elements have been assigned the specified class.

Example Code

$('button').on('click', function(){
    var btn = $(this);

Another approach could be

$('button').on('click', function(){
    $('.tct-button2').removeClass('tct-button2'); //Remove all instances of this class 
    $(this).addClass('tct-button2'); //Add the class to the current element

Answer №3

To enhance your buttons with an extra class (tct-button2) while maintaining the original tct-button class on all buttons, you can follow Satpal's suggestion.

However, if you're looking to update the classes so that each button only has one class at a time (either tct-button or tct-button2), you can adopt a similar approach as suggested by Satpal:

$('button').on('click', function(){
    $('.tct-button2').addClass('tct-button').removeClass('tct-button2'); //Add original class and Remove tct-button2 class
    $(this).removeClass('tct-button').addClass('tct-button2'); //Apply class to current element

Here is an example

If you want to target only the buttons within the same div as the clicked button, you can use a method like this:

$('button').on('click', function(){
    $(this).parent('div').find('.tct-button2').addClass('tct-button').removeClass('tct-button2'); //Remove all classes in that div
    $(this).removeClass('tct-button').addClass('tct-button2'); //Apply the class to current element

(Consider using a more precise selector for the parent element, such as a class or whatever structure your HTML follows)


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