Expanding columns to reach the full height of the page

Struggling to create three columns within the colmask and threecol div classes, excluding the header and footer. Any suggestions? Check out the website at

I've attempted setting the body and html tags to 100% height. I've also experimented with setting the #wrapper div's height to 100% and the colmask div's height to 100%, but this causes overflow onto the page (though it would work without a header or footer). Any help is greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

If you find yourself in need of a Sticky Footer, you'll quickly realize how essential it is for your website. Without it, you'll struggle to achieve that seamless 100% height look.

The basic layout for implementing a Sticky Footer involves:

<div id="wrapper">

  <div id="main">

<div id="footer">

Once you have the structure in place, don't forget to include the custom CSS to make the magic happen. It may require some tweaking to align perfectly with your requirements as it's not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Answer №2

A straightforward solution in Javascript can be achieved by using jQuery:

var header_height = $('#header').height();
var footer_height = $('#footer').height();
var set_height = function () {
  $('.colmask').css({ height: $(window).height - header_height - footer_height});

Let me know if you prefer a standard (non-jQuery) version.

Answer №3

You might also consider implementing a solution like footerStickAlt, which utilizes the following HTML structure:

        <div id="nonFooter">
            <div id="content">
        <div id="footer">

The CSS rules necessary for this can be found in a post by The Man in Blue where the technique is thoroughly explained.

Answer №4

After experimenting with @Blender's solution without success, I decided to pursue a different approach that I find to be more elegant.

My new solution includes three columns, a fluid center column, header, footer, and all the necessary features. Success!

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