What is the best way to incorporate a splatter image within an MDX blog post?

I am working on an MDX blog where I render a blog post.


<main className="flex min-h-screen dark:bg-black">
                <div className="wrapper mb-24 gap-8 px-8 lg:grid lg:grid-cols-[1fr,70px,min(70ch,calc(100%-64px)),70px,1fr]">
                    <div className="mdx-wrapper prose relative col-[2/5] max-w-full dark:prose-light lg:grid lg:grid-cols-[70px_1fr_70px]">
                        <MDXLayoutRenderer mdxSource={props.code as never} />

The component MDXLayoutRenderer is responsible for inserting the MDX content into the page.


This is the title

import { Splatter } from '../../components/Splatter.tsx'

This is a block of text with some random content...

<Splatter />

Another block of text with more gibberish...


export const Splatter = () => (
    <div className="relative inset-0 h-64 w-64 bg-[url('/splatter.jpg')]">


In my project, I have encountered an issue where the image overlapped the text in index.mdx or behaved like a regular div, pushing down the content that followed it.

My goal is to set the splatter image as a background rather than a foreground element.

I have tried using an img tag and setting background properties in Tailwind CSS, but neither approach worked for me. I also experimented with z-index and different positioning attributes without success.

Can someone suggest a solution to this problem?

Answer №1

If you want to experiment with layering images, consider using two images positioned absolutely with the left and right properties within a parent element set to relative positioning, and give them a negative z-index.

Here's an example:

export const Splatter = () => (
  <div className="relative -z-10">
    <div className="absolute bg-cover left-[100%] h-96 w-[500px] bg-[url('https://i.sstatic.net/J0ik2.jpg')]"></div>
    <div className="absolute bg-cover right-[100%] h-96 w-[500px] bg-[url('https://i.sstatic.net/J0ik2.jpg')]"></div>

Adjust the height and width values as needed for your design. Consider hiding this on smaller screens.

Take a look at this codesandbox demo for reference.

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