The boundary of embedded components

I am looking for CSS code that will allow me to arrange all elements with specific indents, such as placing the first element on the left side of the page, followed by an image with some indentation, and so on.

<div class="container-fluid">    
  <div class="row header_row">
   <div class="col-md-12">           
       <a href="main.html">Main</a>
       <img src="images/rose+garland.png" class="navi_images">
       <a href="portfolio.html">Portfolio</a>
       <img src="images/rose+garland.png" class="navi_images">
       <a href="#">Contacts</a>

Answer №1

Just came across some interesting information on how margins and paddings are created in CSS. To position elements side by side, consider using display: inline-block or float property. There are plenty of examples available if you search for spacing or positioning techniques with CSS.

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