CSS: Is it possible to make a div even smaller than the invisible padding of a font?

link to code: http://jsfiddle.net/xVCrn/1/ (best viewed in chrome / webkit)

I'm attempting to create a 1px margin for the red section within the dark button area, but I am struggling to adjust the height of the red part. =(

The objective is to:

Answer №1

When using the CSS property display-inline, it is possible to set its height and adjust the line-height as well. For instance, by adding line-height:17px;, the element can be centered effectively.

To see an example in action, check out this jsFiddle demo.

A helpful tip for webkit browsers dealing with elements that have a border of 1px and border-radius: consider using 1px double #color to mitigate jagged lines. This technique is particularly useful in Chrome where this issue seems to persist without a clear resolution.

Answer №2

To easily adjust the height of the red section, simply include display: inline-block;.

For a better visual representation, take a look at this example (which includes added padding): http://jsfiddle.net/kLMno/

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