Is it possible to apply a CSS transform without erasing the existing transform?

Looking for a solution:

   transform translateY(5px) scale(1.2) 

I want the element to move down an extra 5px on hover

   transform translateY(5px)

Is there a way to achieve this without knowing the previous state of the transform?

Appreciate any help.

Answer №1

When it comes to enhancing CSS styling, utilizing CSS custom properties (also known as CSS variables) is a game-changer that eliminates the need for using Javascript.

If you want to build upon an existing value, consider the following code snippet:

div {
  --translateX: 140;
  --trans: calc(var(--translateX) * 1px);
  transform: translateX(var(--trans)) scale(1.5);

div:hover {
 --translatemore: calc(var(--translateX) + 25);
 --trans: calc(var(--translatemore) * 1px);

div {
  transition: .2s transform;
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
  background: salmon;

All major browsers now offer full support for setting transform properties individually through CSS.

Answer №2

To update the values of an object without knowing the initial transform, you can utilize the WebKitCSSMatrix or MozCSSMatrix objects.

For example, if there is an initial translate of 100px and you wish to add an extra 100px: = matrix.translate(100, 0);

Answer №3

To achieve this effect, simply create a new div or span container and apply the transform property to it instead.

Answer №4

One option is to utilize nested elements and adjust the translation individually for each variable.

However, this approach may become messy and complex rapidly.

Answer №5

Using CSS variables is a great way to easily update styles!

div {
  --rotate: 90deg;
  transform: rotate(var(--rotate));

div:hover {
  --rotate: 45deg;

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