Modifying the attributes/properties within a class of a bootstrap button

Here is the code that I have:

class="mt-1 w-100"

If we imagine calling someEvent() and wanting to modify the value of class="mt-1 w-100" in the script to class="mt-1 w-90"

One approach could be defining a style within b-button and executing document.getElementById("search-button").style.width = "90px"; in the script, but that's not quite what I'm after.

The main question remains: How can I directly access and alter the class utilities/values from the script?

Answer №1

Is this the solution you were searching for?

  :class="hasClicked ? 'w-90' : 'w-100'
  @click="hasClicked = !hasClicked"

To define the variable hasClicked, include it in either the ref (composition API) or data block (options API).

For instance:

  hasClicked: false

Essentially, utilize the class binding method ( alongside the ternary operator (

Answer №2

To achieve dynamic class binding, you can use a concept that allows you to bind the class attribute based on conditions rather than hard coding it.

For the <b-button> element, follow these steps:

Replace class="mt-1 w-100" with :class="dynamicStyles"

In your script file:

data: {
  dynamicStyles: 'mt-1 w-100'

someEvent() {
  // Update dynamicStyles based on a condition.
  this.dynamicStyles = 'mt-1 w-90'

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