Adjust the placement of the fixed header waypoint or change its offset

Currently working on developing a Wordpress site with the Avada theme, my goal is to have a sticky header that starts immediately at the top of the page.

This is the website in progress:

The site I'm trying to emulate is

If you visit the second site, you'll notice that the "sticky header" kicks in right away. After some research, I discovered that this behavior is controlled by a section in the main.js file. Despite experimenting with various numbers, I haven't been able to adjust the height at which it activates.

Below is the relevant portion of the main.js file. It seems that modifying some CSS is also necessary, so here's a link to the CSS file:

Any assistance regarding this issue would be greatly appreciated.

// init sticky header
jQuery.fn.init_sticky_header = function() {

    var sticky_mobile_menu_padding;

    var sticky_header_height = 65;
    var sticky_top = jQuery('.sticky-header').css('top');
    var sticky_start = sticky_top.replace('','') + 50;
    var logo = '.sticky-header .logo img.normal_logo';
    var not_logo = '.sticky-header .logo img.retina_logo';
    var orig_logo_height, orig_logo_width, logo_max_width, width_ratio, calc_width, calc_height,
        logo_height, logo_line_height, logo_width, logo_margin_top  = 0;

    var anchor_scrolling = 0;
    jQuery('.sticky-header').css('top', sticky_start+'px');
    jQuery('.init-sticky-header').waypoint(function(direction) {
        if(direction === "down") {

Answer №1

I undertook the challenge of designing a persistent fixed header for the Avada theme from scratch. It required some intricate css work, but I managed to pull it off successfully. If you're curious to see how I did it, check out the link provided below:

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