Changing the Values of Variables in an npm Package within SvelteKit

I have been working on a SvelteKit component library where I define variables for components like background-color and font-family in a CSS file. Inside the ./dist/index.js file of my library, I export the CSS using `import './main.css'`. When integrating this library into my project, I import it into the +layout.svelte file with `import 'library'.

Initially, everything functions as expected, with colors and fonts being applied correctly. To update variable values, I make changes inside the :root element of my +layout.svelte file, as seen below:

    :root {
        --color-accent: tomato;

However, despite creating a new :root element with the modified value, I encounter some issues. Upon inspecting the browser devtools, I noticed that the original color is displayed before transitioning to the updated value. Interestingly, when deploying onto Vercel, the new color does not appear at all. I am unsure if the problem lies within my library or how I am importing the CSS. Is there a way to ensure that the original value is correctly replaced?

Reference Image:

Any assistance or insights on this matter would be highly appreciated!

Answer №1

Instead of rewriting them in :root, consider overriding them on the html or body element, which are further down in the cascade and therefore more reliable.

:global(html) {
  --color-accent: tomato

However, I recommend moving these to their own separate .css file and then importing it into the layout.svelte component. This way, you can avoid dealing with :global altogether.

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