Can a search engine algorithm be developed to display an iframe based on the keywords entered in the search query?

Is it possible to create a search engine algorithm in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that takes keywords from a search bar input and displays the best solution (or solutions) through iframes?

html, css, javascript

Below is the code for the iframes and search bar:

<!-- CSS -->

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">        

        body {
    color: purple;
    background-color: #663300 }

function virtualSubmit(form){
    var text = form.searchtext.value;
    var targets = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'),
        items = targets.length;

    for(var i = 0; i<items; i++){
        var target = targets[i],
            url = target.getAttribute('data-url');
        target.src = url + text;

    return false;


        <!--The Search bar as well-->
<form onsubmit="return virtualSubmit(this)";>
    <input name="searchtext" type="text" />
    <input type="image" src="Searchbutton.png" alt="Search Button" height="20" width="20"/>

    <iframe src=""
            height="600" onmouseover="width=400" onmouseout="width=250"></iframe>

    <iframe src=""
            height="600" onmouseover="width=400" onmouseout="width=250"></iframe>

    <iframe src=""
            height="600" onmouseover="width=400" onmouseout="width=250"></iframe>

I need assistance with hiding an iframe based on a class or function.

Further clarification on the request:

The goal is to design a user interface for search using multiple providers, with results displayed only from the top provider sorted by quality.

– MjrKusanagi

Answer №1

When it comes to the possibility of accessing content inside an iframe, it is indeed possible. However, you must ensure that the content providers permit such access. Some providers may have strict policies in place that prohibit this type of use of their content.

Moreover, most browsers enforce a same-origin policy which means that JavaScript from your website at will likely be restricted from interacting with data within an iframe pointing to

As for the methodology, the best approach would be to seek out APIs offered by each search or content provider that align with your requirements. For instance, there is a Google Search API (which allows 100 free search queries per day) and a MediaWiki API. Once you familiarize yourself with these APIs, it should become clearer how to proceed with implementing them.

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