Change the appearance of the page when it is being displayed within an iframe using CSS

How can I display a webpage differently using CSS if it is within an iframe? I would like to use jQuery or JavaScript to switch to a different stylesheet specifically when the site is being displayed within an iframe. Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

Answer №1

To switch up the styling, you have the ability to inject a new stylesheet if the current window is not at the top of the stack.

if (!=window.self)
  // Operating within a Frame or IFrame
  // Not positioned inside a frame

Answer №2

Instead of injecting a new stylesheet, my recommendation would be to assign a CSS class to the body element.

Example using vanilla JavaScript:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  if (window.self != {

This way, you can easily apply different styles such as:

.in-iframe p {
  background: purple;

Answer №3

Check out this quick and user-friendly solution using vanilla JavaScript. With just a single line of code in JS, you can easily customize the appearance through CSS/SASS/LESS.

To implement this, insert the following code snippet within the head section before loading any CSS or JS:

// Dynamically assigns a class to the HTML element using vanilla JavaScript
document.documentElement.className += (window.self == ? " top" : " framed");

Now, in your CSS/SASS/LESS files, you can modify the layout, visibility, and styles based on the applied class.

/* Conceal website navigation when running within an iframe */
html.framed .site-nav,
html.framed .site-footer {
    display: none;

Important note: It's advisable to utilize the X-Frame-Options for security purposes and prevent unauthorized usage of your content.

Answer №4

if( self !== top ) {
   headTag = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].innerHTML;
   var frameCSS = headTag + '<style type="text/css">**insert your CSS code here**</style>';
   document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].innerHTML = frameCSS;

In situations where the page is being displayed as the only page, the variables top, parent, self, and window will be equal. However, if the page is within a frameset, then self and top will not be equal. In cases where the page contains the frameset and itself is not within a frameset, self and top will be equal.

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