<div.content> </div.content> - Structure

I recall encountering this code before but I can't remember where:

   // ....
  // ....

Could someone please clarify for me what this syntax is referred to as and what its general purpose is?

Answer №1

For those familiar with certain editors and plugins such as emmet () or zen coding (https://code.google.com/archive/p/zen-coding/), you may have come across a quicker way to code HTML. These tools significantly speed up the coding process.

Answer №2

It appears that the usage you mentioned is not common in HTML code but can be utilized in CSS by using the element.class combination without the symbols <, &, and >. However, in HTML5, you have the option to use <main> for defining the main content of a webpage.

Extracted from: W3 Schools

Meaning and Purpose

The <main> tag specifies the primary content of a document.

The content within the <main> element should be distinct to the document, avoiding any repetitive elements found across various documents like sidebars, navigation links, copyright information, logos, and search forms.

Note: A document should contain only one <main> element, and it must NOT be nested within an <article>, <aside>, <footer>, <header>, or <nav> element.

I trust this explanation clears things up. The use of custom interfaces with unique tags might also exist, although I personally implement {{tag}} for dynamic templates rather than what you described.

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