Having trouble displaying a background image on a React application



      import React from 'react';       
      import '../../App.css';

      export default function Services() {
       return <h1 className='services'>SERVICES</h1>;


      .services {
       background-image: url('/images/img-2.jpg');


      import React from "react";
      import './App.css';
      import Navbar from "./components/Navbar";
      import {Routes, Route} from 'react-router-dom';
      import Services from './components/pages/Services';

      function App(){
              <Navbar />
                <Route path='/services' element={<Services />} />

This code was written without any errors, but the image is not displaying. Screenshot(Failed to compile)

The images are not showing up on my website. Can anyone suggest a solution for this issue? Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

It is not advisable to store your images in the public folder. When incorporating CSS within the src folder, it's best to utilize relative paths to the image files. React will handle and update the paths to their respective build locations during compilation.

Source: https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/1248#issuecomment-266313612

If you choose to store your images in the public folder, you can try using '../../../../Public/images/img-2.jpg' as the path. However, it is recommended to keep images inside the src folder and allow React to manage them during the compilation process.

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