Struggling to eliminate the underlines from an HTML hyperlink

Can someone help me figure out how to remove the annoying underline link that pops up when hovering over an a element in HTML? I attempted adding a style="text-decoration: none" attribute to the a link, but the underline persists when I hover over the text.

I even experimented with this CSS:

.nounderline {
  text-decoration: none;

.nounderline a:hover {
  text-decoration: none;

Next, I tried applying the nounderline class to the a link, but still no luck in getting rid of the unwanted underline.

Answer №1

By inserting !important after none in your CSS, you can eliminate the underline effect. However, this method will only work if you are working solely with HTML and CSS, and if your CSS file is properly linked.

Answer №2

To achieve the desired effect, follow these steps:

<a href="" class="nounderline">Text</a>

Apply the following CSS styles:


If you want to remove underlines from all a tags, use this in your CSS:


Note: The !important rule has been removed. If you need to override a property, consider adding it back in.

Answer №3

Can you believe it - a working example with a thumbs down? How is that even possible? Haha

text-decoration: none

text-decoration: none
<a class="nounderline" href="">Link</a>

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