How can I use CSS to change the background color of a fixed navbar when scrolling?

Is it possible to use only CSS to alter the background color of a fixed navbar once the user has scrolled past a specific point vertically? I am curious if this can be accomplished in CSS by targeting the ID of another element, or possibly its height?

Although I am aware of JavaScript methods to achieve this effect, I am interested in finding out if there is a way to do it solely with CSS. Thank you for your help!

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, you can create a simulation using gradients and the CSS property background-attachment:fixed.

Check out this example below:

.fixed {

body {
    linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) 0 100px/100% 100% no-repeat fixed,
    linear-gradient(to bottom, blue 300px, red 0) center/100% 100%;
<div class="fixed">
  this is a fixed navbar where the color will change after 300px of scroll

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