Changing the CSS property of a single table cell's innerHTML

I have a question that may seem silly, but I'm going to ask it anyway.

Currently, I am iterating through a list of strings that follow the format "1H 20MIN" and adding them to table cells using the innerHTML property like so:

for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { 
    myTable.rows[1].cells[i].innerHTML = list[i];   

My intention is to display the numbers (in this case 1 and 20) in one font style and the text (H and MIN) in a different font style.

Is there a way to achieve this, or do you have any suggestions on how to restructure my code/table to make it possible?

Thank you!

Answer №1

Separate the numbers and non-numbers using span elements with appropriate class names, then customize their appearance using CSS.

For example, you can put the digits into spans like this:

myTable.rows[1].cells[i].innerHTML = list[i].replace(/\d+/g, "<span class=num>$&</span>");

...and then apply styles to .num.

Here's an illustration:

var str = "1H 20MIN";
document.getElementById("ex").innerHTML = str.replace(/\d+/g, "<span class=num>$&</span>");
div {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  color: green;
.num {
  font-family: serif;
  color: blue;
<div id="ex"></div>

Answer №2

To start, one can utilize a programmatic approach to detect the numeric character groups and then appropriately generate spans:

var exampleString = '1H 20MIN';
var spanGroupsArray = [];
var htmlString = '';

function extractSpanGroups(inputString) {
  var groupsArray = [];
  var workingGroup = {
    isNumeric: false,
    items: []

  inputString.split('').forEach(function(letter) {
    processCharacter(letter, workingGroup, groupsArray);

    text: workingGroup.items.join(''),
    isNumeric: workingGroup.isNumeric

  groupsArray.splice(0, 1); //remove the first empty item;

  return groupsArray;

function processCharacter(letter, workingGroup, groupsArray) {
  if (workingGroup.isNumeric === isNumeric(letter)) { 
  } else { 
      text: workingGroup.items.join(''),
      isNumeric: workingGroup.isNumeric

    workingGroup.isNumeric = isNumeric(letter);
    workingGroup.items = [letter];

function isNumeric(letter) {
  return !isNaN(parseFloat(letter)) && isFinite(letter);

function convertToHtml(groupsArray) {
  var htmlOutput = '';

  groupsArray.forEach(function(group) {
    if (group.isNumeric) {
      htmlOutput += '<span class="mathy">' + group.text + '</span>'
    } else {
      htmlOutput += '<span class="charactery">' + group.text + '</span>'

  return htmlOutput;

spanGroupsArray = extractSpanGroups(exampleString);
htmlString = convertToHtml(spanGroupsArray);
document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = htmlString;
/* #christmas */

.mathy {
  color: red;

.charactery {
  color: green;
<div id="container">
  <!-- pretend this is a row or cell or w/e -->

Answer №3

To enhance the code, you can modify it to display numbers and letters in separate spans with customized classes.

I will provide a code illustration later as I am currently on my mobile device. Nevertheless, the result would appear similar to this:

<span class='time'>1<span class='letters'>HR</span> 20<span class='letters'>MIN</span> </span>

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