steps for converting .SCSS files to .CSS in a project template

As a beginner developer, my expertise lies in HTML/CSS/JS and some fundamentals of their frameworks.

Recently, I invested in this Template from template monster for a specific project ()

WHAT I NEED - My goal is to modify the primary theme color of the template.

WHAT ALL I DID - According to the instructions provided, it states -

"To change the main colors of the template, you must access the file _color-default.scss, and update the values of $primary, $secondary, $gray-base...(based on your template) variables with the desired colors. Then, convert SCSS into CSS."

THE ISSUE I'M ENCOUNTERING - I am unfamiliar with SCSS, could someone please guide me on how to convert these SCSS files into CSS, as detailed in the documentation.

THIS IS MY Project, perhaps this will provide context -

Answer №1

To compile SCSS, consider using tools like node-sass, live-sass, or gulp. Alternatively, you can utilize online compilers such as or the built-in one on CodePen.

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