The use of HTML 5 Autofocus causes interference with CSS loading

Whenever I apply the autofocus="autofocus" attribute to an input element, it causes a brief glitch in Firefox. The content briefly appears without the CSS styling applied, resulting in elements not centered and headings rendered in default fonts.

If I take out the autofocus attribute, the page loads smoothly and displays correctly once ready.

Is there a way to prevent this temporary display issue while still utilizing the autofocus feature in Firefox?

Answer №1

After some experimentation, I've discovered that including a bit of JavaScript in the <head> section causes the page to wait for the styles to fully load before focusing.

The reasoning behind why this works remains unclear to me, but the results speak for themselves!

For instance:

<script type="text/javascript">
    // Workaround for Chrome autofocus issue
    // Source:

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