"Step-by-step guide on placing an order for the button

I am currently working with material-ui and encountering a roadblock. My goal is to design a homepage for a dashboard where the various services are listed. I am attempting to organize these 6 buttons into 2 rows and 3 columns, totaling 6 buttons in all. As someone who is new to grid logic, I'm struggling to achieve this. Any guidance on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Essentially, my aim is to maintain this layout across all screens except for mobile devices. Here is the snippet of code I have been working on:

    const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
    root: {
    display: 'flex',
    justifyContent: "center",
    marginTop: '300px',



export default function Menu() {
const classes = useStyles();
return (
    <div className={classes.root}>
        <Grid container spacing={1}>
            <Grid container item xs={3} spacing={3}>
                    style={{ width: '300px', padding: '60px', margin: '15px' }}
                    variant='contained' color='Default'>
                    <AddIcon />Study
            <Grid container item xs={3} spacing={3}>
                    style={{ width: '300px', padding: '60px', margin: '15px' }}
                    variant='contained' color='Default'>
                    <AddIcon />All Studies
            <Grid container item xs={3} spacing={3}>
                    style={{ width: '300px', padding: '60px', margin: '15px' }}
                    variant='contained' color='Default'>
                    <AddIcon />Planning
            <Grid container item xs={3} spacing={3}>
                    style={{ width: '300px', padding: '60px', margin: '15px' }}
                    variant='contained' color='Default'>
                    <AddIcon />Products
            <Grid container item xs={3} spacing={3}>
                    style={{ width: '300px', padding: '60px', margin: '15px' }}
                    variant='contained' color='Default'>
                    <AddIcon />Platform
            <Grid container item xs={3} spacing={3}>
                    style={{ width: '300px', padding: '60px', margin: '15px' }}
                    variant='contained' color='Default'>
                    <AddIcon />Clients

Answer №1

Divide your content into two groups using div elements:

<div container className={classes.root}>
      style={{ width: "300px", padding: "60px", margin: "15px" }}
      + Study
      style={{ width: "300px", padding: "60px", margin: "15px" }}
      All Studies
      style={{ width: "300px", padding: "60px", margin: "15px" }}
      style={{ width: "300px", padding: "60px", margin: "15px" }}
      style={{ width: "300px", padding: "60px", margin: "15px" }}
      style={{ width: "300px", padding: "60px", margin: "15px" }}

Alternatively, you can utilize the Grid component from MaterialUi to organize your content:

<div className={classes.root}>
    <Grid container spacing={3} direction="row" justify="center" alignItems="center">
      <Grid item>
          style={{ width: "300px", padding: "60px", margin: "15px" }}
          + Study
      <Grid item>
          style={{ width: "300px", padding: "60px", margin: "15px" }}
          All Studies
      <Grid item>
          style={{ width: "300px", padding: "60px", margin: "15px" }}
    <Grid container spacing={3}>
      <Grid item>
          style={{ width: "300px", padding: "60px", margin: "15px" }}
      <Grid item>
          style={{ width: "300px", padding: "60px", margin: "15px" }}
      <Grid item>
          style={{ width: "300px", padding: "60px", margin: "15px" }}

For more information, visit this link.

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