Eliminate borders surrounding WordPress text widgets

Looking for some help with removing the border around the widgets on my home page. Despite my theme's CSS removing borders universally, I thought targeting specific Div text widgets (such as text-7, text-6) would do the trick. While I can control the elements within the widget, the border remains stubbornly in place. For example, this code snippet:

#text-7. {border:1px solid transparent; text align: center}

Centers the elements but fails to remove the border. I've experimented with different variations without success. You can find the source code here. The link to the live site is provided in the comments below.

Appreciate any assistance you can offer.

Sincerely, Alex

Answer №1

The reason why the CSS is not removing the border around the div#text-7 element on your page is because there is no border specified for that particular element. However, there is a border around the div.sidebox element. To remove all sidebox borders, you can add the following CSS:

.sidebox {border:0px}

You have two options to address this issue: a) Use JavaScript/jQuery to select the parent div of #text-7 and remove the border accordingly. b) Add a unique ID to each .sidebox DIV so that you can target specific sidebox elements for border removal.

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