Navigate to the following section on an HTML page by clicking a button using jQuery

Within my application using Jquery / Javascript, I am looking to implement a specific functionality.

I currently have several div elements like the ones below:

<div id="div1"></div>
<div id="div2"></div>
<div id="div3"></div>
<div id="div4"></div>
<div id="div5"></div>
<div id="div6"></div>

I understand that to navigate to a particular position on the page, I can use:

<a href="#Div4">go to div 4</a>

Currently, I already have two buttons in place: one for moving to the previous div and another for moving to the next div.

For example,

  • Previous Button -> clicking this will move to the previous div
  • Next Button -> clicking this will move to the next div

Is there a way to achieve this functionality using these two buttons?

Moreover, I want only the div pointed to by the button to be displayed. If the next button points to Div3, then only Div3 should be visible while the other divs remain hidden.

One method to implement this previous and next functionality is by introducing a variable that increments or decrements when the corresponding button is clicked. Based on the value of this variable, I can determine which Div to point to. For instance, if the variable's value is 5, then I will target Div5.

Does anyone know of any alternative methods to achieve this?

Answer №1

If you want to efficiently navigate using cached numbers, consider utilizing the location.hash property. Let's say you have two buttons labeled "next" and "prev":

let currentPosition = 0;


  location.hash = "section" + currentPosition;

  location.hash = "section" + currentPosition;

This code snippet provides a basic outline for navigating around with cached numbers.

Answer №2

Utilize Jquery's next and prev selector functions to achieve this goal

    var selectedDiv=$("#div1");



Remember, selectedDiv needs to be a global variable for this to work properly.

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