Is it possible for 'will-change' to achieve the intended outcome when implemented using the Web Animations API?

Google recommends:

Google suggests that if an animation may occur within the next 200ms [...] it's a good idea to use will-change on elements being animated. In most cases, any element in your app's current view that you plan to animate should have will-change enabled for the properties you intend to modify.

My question is, can you apply will-change using the Web Animations API before actually animating a property, and will it work as intended? Or is it too late in the process for will-change to be effective?

It seems that changes made through this API do not show up in DevTools as CSS properties, making it difficult to confirm if will-change was applied at all.

Consideration example:

this.animation = document.querySelector('#my-element').animate(
      willChange: 'opacity', // applying will-change before changing any property
      opacity: 'initial',
      willChange: 'opacity',
      opacity: 'initial',
      offset: 0.01, // 1% into the animation
      willChange: 'opacity',
      opacity: 0.5,
      offset: 0.5, // halfway through the animation
      willChange: 'initial',
      opacity: 'initial'

Answer №1

Absolutely, the desired outcome will be achieved.

Animations can impact an element's computed style, but several DevTools panels showcase the element's specified style, which is why it may not be visible there.

Another option is to introduce a brief delay to the animation. During this delay phase, the browser must implement will-change: opacity (or any other properties being animated). (Reference in specifications)

However, this method doesn't provide much benefit. The purpose of using will-change is to allow the browser to prepare the content for animation (such as re-rasterizing it into separate layers) so that the animation can start instantaneously. If you directly initiate the animation, the browser will re-rasterize as needed and then commence the animation from the beginning.

The advantage of employing will-change arises when you already know beforehand which element will undergo animation; by doing so, you enable the browser to make those preparations in advance.

Answer №2

According to experts, using the will-change property may not be necessary when working with the Web Animation API (WAAPI).

It has been suggested that if your animation includes a delay, there is no need to use will-change. -- Reference

Quoting one of the authors involved in creating the specification:

Having a positive delay means you can skip will-change as the browser will prepare for layerization during the delay period, allowing for seamless animation execution.

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