Difficulties encountered when adjusting the size or reducing the images in a Cycle2 slideshow

Greetings to all fellow coders!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I am currently facing a challenge in my web development project where I am trying to make my Cycle 2 slideshow images resize and reposition alongside other divs when the window is resized. It's quite puzzling because with just one png image in the slideshow, it moves perfectly in sync with the resizing of other elements. However, as soon as I add another image to the slide show, they stubbornly stay in their original positions without adjusting to the resizing.

Below is the code snippet for the section in question:

<div id="clientscont">
  <div class="Title2">Clients</div>

<div id="container">

   <div id="wrapper"> <div class="controller" id="prev2"></div><div class="controller" id="next2"></div></div>

<div id="slider2">  

  <img src="../image1.png" alt="" width="265" height="116" class="logoclient2"/>
  <img src="../image2.png"/>


I have experimented with various positioning and display modes, including separating the images into different divs with unique attributes, but unfortunately, none of these solutions seem to work. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated as I am truly struggling with this issue. Thank you in advance for your help.

*I am utilizing jquery for Cycle functionality.

Answer №1

Issue resolved!

By changing the css attribute to list-Item display, I was able to solve the problem. It seems that setting the font color to match the background color effectively hid the bullet issue. Now, my images remained centered even when the page size decreased. The reason behind this phenomenon is still a mystery to me; any insights would be greatly appreciated!

Peace and happy coding!

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