Style sheets for two dynamically-sized boxes side by side

There are two boxes or columns positioned on the same line.

Both have varying widths that need to remain on the same row.

To clarify:

.----------container 570px-----------.
|[box1]                        [box2]|  Ideal scenario
|                                    |
|[box1box1box1box1box1box1box1][box2]|  Desirable setup
|                                    |
|[box1box1box1box1box1box1box1]      |  However, if [box1] and [box2] are too wide,
|              [box2box2box2box2box2]|  [box2] will move to a new line
|                                    |
|[box1box1b...][box2box2box2box2box2]|  I want [box1] to be truncated with ellipsis

Is it possible to achieve this using only CSS? Alternatively, I could calculate the width of box2 in JavaScript and then adjust the width of box1.
If there is a CSS solution compatible with IE9, that would be fantastic.

Answer №1

While options such as SASS enable the use of variables within stylesheets, performing calculations in CSS is not feasible. One workaround could be to define a max-width for each div to guarantee proper spacing allocation.

Answer №2

To update elements in a single row, designate them as table-cell:

Sample Code:

<div class=horizontal>

CSS Style:

.horizontal > * {

Check out this demonstration:

Answer №3

Unfortunately, CSS does not support dynamic styling based on the size of content, so you would need to use some clever jQuery to achieve this. Here's how I would approach it:

function AdjustWidths() {
    var TotalWidth = $('#Box1').outerWidth() + $('#Box2').outerWidth();
    var ContainerWidth = $('#Container').innerWidth();

    if (TotalWidth > ContainerWidth) {
        // Reduce the width of Box1 to fit within Container
        $('#Box1').outerWidth(ContainerWidth - $('#Box2').outerWidth());

To add the ellipsis, you can further reduce the width of Box1 by a few pixels and then programmatically insert the ellipsis (...).

Edit: Upon re-reading your question, I see that you have already implemented this solution. I'll keep the code here for reference.

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