Transform your traditional sidebar into a sleek icon sidebar with Semantic UI

I am working on customizing the semantic-ui sidebar. My goal is to have it minimize to a labeled icon when the toggle button is clicked. However, I am having trouble with the animation and getting the content to be pulled when I minimize it to the labeled icon sidebar.


<div class="ui left demo vertical inverted visible sidebar menu">
    <a class="item">
        <i class="home icon"></i>
    <a class="item">
        <i class="block layout icon"></i>
    <a class="item">
        <i class="smile icon"></i>
<div class="pusher">
  <a href="#" id="toggle-btn">Toggle</a>


$("#toggle-btn").click(function() {
    .toggleClass("labeled icon");

Check out the codepen for reference:

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Don't miss out on checking this Codepen. Make sure to include a class in the .pusher and animate it with jQuery. Utilize CSS transitions for smooth animations.

Here's the code snippet for reference:


.ui.left {
  transition: width .2s linear;

.labeled.icon {
  width: 84px !important;

.pusher.push {
  transform: translate3d(84px,0,0) !important;


$("#toggle-btn").click(function() {
  $(".ui.sidebar").toggleClass("labeled icon");

Give it a try and see how it enhances your website!

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