Unexpected Error with Background Position Variable

Hello, I am attempting to create an animated background effect that moves up and down using the .animate() and .hover() methods in jQuery. Within my DOM, there is a div with id="#menu" containing a UL list where each item has a background positioned at different x coordinates but the same y coordinate. However, I am facing an issue with my code as it seems like my variable is not functioning properly. I am receiving an error message that states "cannot read property '1' of null value," indicating that the variable does not exist.

Below is the code snippet:

$("#menu li").hover(
 function () {
 var xPos = $(this).css('background-position-x')  
 $(this).animate({backgroundPosition: "("+ xPos + "0px)"}, 500); 

 function () {
   var xPos = $(this).css('background-position-x')  
 $(this).stop().animate({backgroundPosition: xPos + "35px"}, 500); 


Answer №1

After further investigation, it appears that the issue lies with the variable. Upon checking alert(typeof xPos), it seems to be returning as undefined. It is now necessary to convert this output to an integer value exclusively.

Answer №2

Give this a try, it may be helpful.

The default value is actually 0% 0% in the CSS background property.

$("#menu li").hover(
 function () {
 var xPos = $(this).css('background-position')  
 $(this).animate({backgroundPosition: "("+ xPos + "0px)"}, 500); 

 function () {
   var xPos = $(this).css('background-position')  
 $(this).stop().animate({backgroundPosition: xPos + "35px"}, 500); 


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