Spree Deluxe - Customizing color scheme variables

We're struggling to modify the color variables in Spree Fancy. The documentation suggests creating a variables_override.css.scss file. But where exactly should this file be placed? We've tried adding it under the stylesheets folder in assets and also under assets/stylesheets/spree/fancy/, but neither option worked.

For instance, let's say we want to change the default variable $c_orange: #ff9600 !default; to blue, but the change isn't taking effect.

We're currently working with the Spree 2.2 stable branch on Rails 4. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Visit the official Spree Fancy GitHub repository for more information.

Answer №1

Utilizing spree master and spree-fancy master.

This specific document:

>> cat app/assets/stylesheets/spree/fancy/variables_override.css.scss
$c_orange:      #000;

Successfully alters the orange color to black.

Therefore, your file ought to be positioned at


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