What are some effective ways to align an image to the left and text to the right within a table

I need to display a member with a higher rank, showing the user image along with their username. However, I am struggling to align the image and text properly due to varying username lengths causing them to appear in a zig-zag position.

Here is what I have tried so far:

<table style="width: 100%; table-layout: fixed"  class="table  table-striped text-center">
      <thead class='bg-dark' style='background-color: 3658DE'>
        <th><img src='../assets/img/gold.png'/>Rank</th>
        <th><i class='fa fa-user mr-1' style='color: #F4B806'></i>Members</th>
           <div class='text-center'>                                                                                    
              <img src='images' alt='user dp'  class=' img-fluid  rounded-circle' style='height: 30px; width: 30px;' />                                                                                      
              <span class='mr-1 '>@$username</span>

Expected output:

Rank    Member
1       image Dravid
2       image Richard Nixon
3       image GrahamBell
4       image Mark twains

Output's getting:

Rank    Member
1       image Dravid
2         image RichardNixon
3        image GrahamBell
4       image Mark twains

Answer №1

img {margin-right:10px;};
<link href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.4.1/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<table class="table table-striped">
      <th scope="col">Rank</th>
      <th scope="col">Member</th>
      <th scope="row">1</th>
      <td><img src="image"/>member</td>
      <th scope="row">2</th>
      <td><img src="image"/>anotherMember</td>
      <th scope="row">3</th>
      <td><img src="image"/>oneMoreMember</td>
Please review your table structure, as there appears to be no content within the <tbody>. To display the user image next to the username, place the <img/> inside the <td> tag just before the username. This will ensure proper alignment, regardless of the username length provided all images are the same size (mostly in width). I have added some CSS to create spacing between all images and usernames. Ensure this spacing remains consistent for all images if you choose to include it.

Answer №2

The issue lies in your utilization of the text-center class on the second <td> within each <tr> tag where usernames are displayed. This results in misalignment, as demonstrated below:


To correct this, you should replace text-center with text-left, similar to the example provided. Additionally, for better positioning on the right side, incorporate padding-left such as Bootstrap's pl-5:

<table style="width: 100%; table-layout: fixed"  class="table  table-striped text-center">
  <thead class='bg-dark' style='background-color: 3658DE'>
      <th><img src='https://via.placeholder.com/25'/> Rank</th>
      <th class="text-left pl-5"><i class='fa fa-user mr-1' style='color: #F4B806'></i>Members</th>
        <div class='text-left pl-5'>                                                                                    
          <img src='https://via.placeholder.com/150' alt='user dp'  class='img-fluid  rounded-circle' style='height: 30px; width: 30px;' />                                                                                      
          <span class='mr-1 '>Dravid</span>
        <div class='text-left pl-5'>                                                                                    
          <img src='https://via.placeholder.com/150' alt='user dp'  class='img-fluid  rounded-circle' style='height: 30px; width: 30px;' />                                                                                      
          <span class='mr-1 '>RichardNixon</span>
        <div class='text-left pl-5'>                                                                                    
          <img src='https://via.placeholder.com/150' alt='user dp'  class='img-fluid  rounded-circle' style='height: 30px; width: 30px;' />                                                                                      
          <span class='mr-1 '>GrahamBell</span>

You can view a working fiddle here, which will generate the following table:


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