Legend alignment issue in Firefox disrupting Flexbox functionality

My fieldset has a legend containing text and a button. I am attempting to use flexbox to right-align the button within the legend. This setup works correctly in Chrome, but encounters issues in Firefox.

I have managed to replicate the problem with a simplified code snippet:

main {
  width: 100%;

fieldset legend {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;
  width: 100%;
      Legend text
       <button type="button">
        Button text

In Chrome, both elements inside the legend are displayed on the same line as intended:

However, when viewing the page in Firefox, the layout is not displaying as expected. Here is how it looks: https://i.stack.imgur.com/dh3Su.png

Answer №1

Simply enclose the content you want to style in a div container and then apply the flex properties accordingly.

main {
  width: 100%;

 span {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;
  width: 100vw;
      Legend text
       <button type="button">
        Button text

Answer №2

It has been noted that Flexbox does not work well with fieldset elements. An alternative solution is to use float property:

fieldset legend {
  width: 100%;

fieldset legend button {
  float: right;
    Legend text
    <button type="button">
            Button text


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