Align the <div> vertically within the <td> tag

My current set up looks something like this:

    <div class="blue">...</div>
    <div class="yellow">...</div>
    <div class="blue">...</div>
    <div class="yellow">...</div>

If you want to see an example of my current HTML, click here:

In each <tr>, all <td>s have the same height. My goal is to have the yellow <div>s inside those <td>s align vertically along the bottom of <td>, while the blue <div>s should align vertically along the top. I've attempted setting vertical-align to bottom, but so far it hasn't been successful.

Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

vertical-align:bottom; is the solution for this issue

Here is an example:


Based on the new fiddle provided

Remember to apply vertical-align:bottom; to the td rather than the div

I have made the necessary modifications here:


Upon reviewing the question once more, I noticed the requested adjustment

The objective is to align the yellow <div>s at the bottom and the blue <div>s at the top within the respective <td>s

To achieve this, follow these steps:

  1. Set vertical-align to top on the td
  2. Float the divs
  3. Provide a margin for the bottom div equal to the cell's height minus the combined heights of the divs. For instance, in this case, 200px - (50px + 50px) = 100px.

Updated CSS styling

tr td{

View the revised demo here:

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