Show image at 100 pixels wide after removing float classes (float-sm-start / float-sm-end) in Bootstrap 5 at a breakpoint

I am in the process of updating my HTML files to Bootstrap version 5.2.3.

In the current version (4.6.2), I have been utilizing the float classes left and right to position images with text wrapped around them on their respective sides. Additionally, I have set the figures to occupy 40% of horizontal screen space until a certain breakpoint to avoid the text wrapping around the images from becoming too narrow just before the breakpoint. This setup also includes some margins between the figures and the wrapping text, achieved through the following CSS:

...CSS code here...

As I transition to using Bootstrap 5.2.3, I am trying to replicate this behavior by incorporating the float-sm-start and float-sm-end utility classes.

The initial attempt achieved partial success in preventing the narrow text wrapping issue but still had an offset positioning problem for the float-end figure. Here's the updated CSS for that:

...Updated CSS code here...

Is there a more elegant way to achieve this layout using specific utility classes within Bootstrap? Or will additional custom CSS be necessary? What about other float utilities like float-md|lg|xl|xxl-start/end?

Answer №1

Although the use of !important is not always considered best practice, incorporating it resolved the issue I was facing.

This chunk of code was added to my CSS:

/*== Remove float classes on small screen sizes devices and smaller ==*/
@media only screen and (max-width: 575.98px) {

  .float-sm-end {
    float: none;
    width: 100%;
    margin-left:0 !important;
    margin-right:0 !important;

This modification ensured that both float elements had their margins removed below a specific breakpoint, resulting in both figures occupying full width without any margins.

The snippet above was embedded in the CSS section of my file. It targeted small screen sizes and eliminated the floating classes' effects by setting them to have a width of 100% with no left or right margins when the screen size falls below the specified breakpoint.

Additionally, some JavaScript and Bootstrap CDN links were included for further optimizations as part of the setup.

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