Switching from real pixels to CSS pixels

The details provided in Mozilla's documentation on elementFromPoint clarify that the coordinates are specified in "CSS pixels" rather than physical pixels. This raises a question about what exactly CSS pixels entail. Many assume that a pixel in CSS is equivalent to a physical pixel, but this appears not to be true.

In light of this distinction, how does one go about converting between physical and CSS pixels?

Answer №1

When it comes to web pages, a pixel is essentially a physical screen pixel.

The term 'CSS pixel' specifically refers to a pixel as outlined in CSS 2 here.

The CSS pixel is defined as the closest whole number of device pixels approximating the reference pixel. The recommended size for the reference pixel is based on a visual angle equivalent to one pixel on a 96dpi device at an arm's length distance of about 28 inches, resulting in a visual angle of approximately 0.0213 degrees.

In simpler terms, a CSS pixel typically corresponds to one device pixel for standard screens. However, for advanced high-resolution displays that upscale dimensions, a CSS pixel may span two device pixels.

Browsers now offer a 'zoom' function that adjusts the size of the CSS pixel and all other units, causing it to no longer align perfectly with a single device pixel.

Answer №2

It is common knowledge that CSS offers various units for measuring length, ranging from physical measurements like inches and millimeters to relative units like em width and percentage.

Unlike other units, pixels do not fall into either category. Originally, they were simply the smallest dot on a user's screen. However, this straightforward definition poses several challenges:

  • The renderer might utilize sub-pixel positioning to avoid rounding discrepancies.
  • The output device may lack actual pixels - for example, a ten-dot font on a 600dpi printer may not match the designer's intentions.
  • Pages designed for low-resolution displays may appear poorly on high-resolution screens.
  • Fortunately, modern browsers offer tools for scaling and magnifying pages.

Therefore, CSS pixels serve as a valuable abstraction, maintaining consistent relationships with other measurements (at least within individual browsers). Page designers can trust that their designs will closely resemble the results, even when the browser adjusts the relationship with actual device pixels.

In response to your second query, there is no need to convert between physical and CSS pixels. Such conversions would disrupt the crucial abstraction required by the renderer for proper operation. While Gecko does provide a method for determining this relationship, it is meant for chrome scripts, keeping regular web pages blissfully unaware of these complexities.

For further exploration: Units Patch Landed

Answer №4

Yes, in the majority of instances, CSS pixels are equivalent to physical pixels. As stated in the CSS 2.1 Specification:

Pixel units are in relation to the resolution of the viewing device, typically a computer display. If the pixel density differs significantly from that of a standard computer display, the user agent should adapt pixel values accordingly.

Generally speaking, one device pixel will equate to one CSS pixel. In some cases, on a high-density pixel device, the CSS pixel size may actually span two physical pixels wide, although there aren't many devices known to do so. Even the iPhone 4, featuring its Retina Display, doesn't modify its CSS pixel size.

It's worth noting, as emphasized by Shog9, that most browsers' zoom functions affect the scale of displayed pixels, but for the most part, CSS pixels align with the physical device pixels.

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