The surprising margins that Bootstrap sneaks into columns

It seems like bootstrap is mysteriously including an unseen margin in my column classes. Even after inspecting an element labeled as 'col-lg-3,' there is no visible margin CSS, and attempting to manually add margin:0 still results in a margin being present.

Refer to the image below for clarification.

I have extensively searched for a solution but have yet to come across one. If anyone has any insights into what might be causing this issue, I would greatly appreciate it.

view image here

Answer №1

The reason for this issue is that your element attempts to take up the entire width of its parent container. This can be resolved by adding either display: inline-flex or display: flex; to the styling.

Answer №2

It’s important to differentiate between margin and padding. Margin refers to the space outside of the columns, while padding is the space within the column itself.

If you'd like your content to align precisely with the edge of the column, you can achieve this by setting the padding to zero:

.col-*-* { padding: 0 }

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