Adjusting the panel dimensions based on the screen size

One feature on my website is a sliding panel (Image 1) located on the right side. It appears and disappears when a button is clicked, covering the entire height of the screen.

Here's the CSS code for this sliding panel-

slide-in-panel-component{ display:none; position: fixed;top: -10px; margin-right: 20px; height: 100vh; width:600px; right: -600px; background-color: #fff3e2;z-index:9999999}

I want the panel to adjust its height based on the screen size changes so that it always displays completely without any overlap. Currently, as shown in Image 2, shrinking the screen causes certain components of the panel to be hidden.

Despite trying various methods like using position:fixed and setting min-height, I have not been able to achieve the desired outcome.

Answer №1

Utilize the properties of position fixed along with top, right, and bottom to achieve the desired effect:

.sidebar {
  position: fixed;
  right: 0px;
  top: 0px;
  bottom: 0px;
  width: 50%;
  background: blue;
<div class="sidebar">


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