Alignment of a Definition List with Omissions of Definitions

Often, I come across applications with forms containing optional fields. In the Show view, these fields tend to "collapse" together and lose alignment with their corresponding labels. For instance, if I have 3 fields that should be displayed as:

Phone:  312-555-1212
Mobile: 312-555-1234

They end up appearing like this:

Phone:  312-555-1212
FAX:    312-555-1234

To address this issue, I found a workaround by adding non-breaking spaces (%nbsp) just before every closing "dd" tag, but I'm seeking a more efficient solution.

Is there a CSS approach to handling this problem?

Below is my existing Rails/HTML code incorporating the non-breaking spaces. While it works, I am interested in discovering a better alternative.

<dd><%= number_to_phone(@user.fax, :area_code => true) %> &nbsp;</dd>

<dd><%= number_to_phone(@user.pager, :area_code => true) %> &nbsp;</dd>

<dd><%= number_to_phone(, :area_code => true) %> &nbsp;</dd>

By inserting a non-breaking space right before the closing "dd" tag, I trick the system into preserving the layout integrity even for fields without content, preventing misalignment between labels and values.

Answer №1

It seems like there may be a misunderstanding with how definition lists are being utilized here. Typically, they render like this (example: defining "Honey" as empty):

To properly align the "definitions," you will need to incorporate some positioning in your CSS. Additionally, consider utilizing tables for displaying tabular data, labels for displaying titles, and CSS for formatting purposes!

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