Should padding be added to container-fluid in order to ensure consistent spacing on all devices from left to right?

After creating a webpage, I realized that it wasn't responsive. Now I am in the process of recreating the page and have a dilemma on whether to use container or container-fluid. Based on some blogs I've read, container-fluid seems like a better option so I have decided to go with container-fluid.

However, I'm facing an issue where I'm not getting space from the left and right sides. Can I simply add padding: 80px on both sides? Will this affect how the webpage looks on other devices such as laptops, tablets, and mobile phones?

Answer №1

When using container-fluid, the width is set to 100% on all devices.

However, adding a padding of 80px on both sides can enhance the appearance of the site on desktops, laptops, and even tablets.

Yet, this extra space of 80 + 80px will be wasted on smaller devices, leading to content being squeezed on mobile devices.

To address this issue, one solution is to remove the 80px padding on small devices using media queries. Alternatively, you can opt for using container instead of fluid, as it automatically manages spacing.

For instance,


@media(max-width:767px){ /*for mobile phones */
        padding:15px;/*adding a little padding to prevent content from sticking to the sides*/

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