How can I compare the current page URL with the navigation bar?

Looking to compare the URL of a current page to an element in the navigation bar using jQuery.

Started by assigning the current URL to a variable:

var currentPage = window.location.href;

Then utilized an .each function to loop through each item in the navigation bar:

$("nav ul li a").each(
    function() {


Now, trying to figure out what to compare the URL to from the list within an if statement:

if(currentPage === ????) {};

Goal is to highlight the page currently being visited in the navigation bar by changing its background image with CSS once the jQuery identifies the match. This is a task assigned in a jQuery class.

Despite searching, struggling to find a solution that matches this specific issue. Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

Still grappling with how to phrase this question, hoping for some clarity and guidance on how to achieve this desired functionality.

Answer №1

It appears that the solution you are seeking is:


This code snippet will provide you with the specific href value of the anchor tag that you are iterating through.

(Enhanced answer based on feedback from a helpful comment)

Answer №2

When checking for matching links on the current page, you can use parse(..). Unfortunately, the demo does not run correctly on stackoverflow. To see the result, you will need to visit codepen.

<script src=""></script>

    a {
        color: #000;
    } {
        color: red;
        <li><a href="?home">Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="?contact">Contact</a></li>
        <li><a href="?about">About</a></li>
        <li><a href="?contact#hash">Contact Us</a></li>

function parse(url) {
    var parts = url.match(/^([^#?]*?)?(\?.*?)?(#.*)?$/);
    return {
        uri: parts[1], search: parts[2], hash: parts[3],
         * @param that <b>string</b>/<b>object</b> has `href` property,e.g:location
         * @param hash skip hash matching
         * @param search skip search matching
         * @returns {boolean|*} if url matched return `true`,otherwise return `false`.
        match: function (that, hash, search) {
            var self = this, that = parse(typeof that == 'string' ? that : that.href);
            return (!self.uri || self.uri == that.uri)
                && (search || ==
                && (hash || self.hash == that.hash);

$('nav li a').each(function () {
    console.log(['matching with ', this.href, '===>', parse(this.href).match(location)].join(' '));
    console.log(['matching with ', $(this).attr('href'), '===>', parse($(this).attr('href')).match(location)].join(' '));
    if (parse($(this).attr('href')).match(location/*,true*/))//remove comment and try the result.


Answer №3

After some trial and error, I was finally able to solve this using a combination of methods including .each. Here's the code snippet that did the job:

var currentPage = window.location.href;

$("nav ul li a").each(
    function() {
        if (currentPage.indexOf($(this).attr("href")) !== -1){
            return false;

My initial approach was completely off, I realize now that I was overcomplicating things. But now, this solution works perfectly. Lesson learned!

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