Can you explain the significance of the characters '& > * + *' in JSX (CSS)?

When using material UI, the progressbar demo includes lines of JSX code like this:

'& > * + *': {
      marginTop: theme.spacing(2),

Can you explain what the selector '& > * + *' represents in this context?

Answer №1

That is known as the lobotomized owl technique. It allows you to select every element that has an immediately preceding sibling, excluding the first one within a parent.

ul > * + * {
  background: red;
  margin-top: 2rem;

As demonstrated in the code snippet, this technique adds margin-top and background styles to all li elements except for the first one.

It's useful for easily adding margin between elements without needing additional styling to remove margin from the first or last element.

This CSS feature is independent of React or JSX.

Learn more about it here, or watch a video tutorial on it here.

Answer №2

it acts as a selector to target all sibling elements.

<div class="wrapper">

The second paragraph has a background color of red.

Please note that the first paragraph does not meet the criteria.

.wrapper {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  font-size: 16px;
  & > * + * {
    background-color: red;

In this context, & refers to the parent selector, the > symbol indicates the child combinator, and the + specifies the adjacent sibling combinator.

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