How can you modify the color of a card in React by mapping through an array and evaluating its value?

I'm attempting to modify the color of a card depending on the current slot value, which is an object in an array. While I am iterating through each card, I want to adjust the background color of the card based on this value. However, my current method does not appear to be working as expected. Any suggestions on how I can achieve this? => 
          <Card key ={slot._id} style={{backgroundColor:slot.OccupiedStatus?'black':'teal'}}>

Answer №1

Given that The Card functions as a React Component, the style in this scenario is not treated as an attribute but rather as a prop that will be forwarded to the Card component.

You can access the style prop within your Card Component and utilize it accordingly.

const Card = (style, ...otherProps) => {
    return <div style={style} >hello</div>

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