Hierarchy in CSS: The battle between author and user styling

Following a hierarchy of precedence:

  1. User agent declarations
  2. User normal declarations
  3. Author normal declarations
  4. Author important declarations
  5. User important declarations

The CSS specification distinguishes between author and user:

Author. The author specifies style sheets for a source document according to the conventions of the document language. For example, in HTML, style sheets can be included within the document or linked externally.

User: The user may specify style information for a specific document. This could involve specifying a file containing a style sheet or the user agent providing an interface to generate a user style sheet.

... but as a website/app developer, am I considered the user or the author? What sets them apart from each other?

Answer №1


The innovator behind the original CSS code for a specific application. Imagine the Front-end developer of a popular website like StackOverflow as the Creator in this scenario.

Modifying the Creator's code will impact the visual style of the application for all users.


If you desire to personalize the appearance of the web pages you visit, you can utilize tools like the Stylish extension to add your own custom styling rules. Now, you step into the shoes of the Customizer.

You have the ability to manage your personalized styles through the Style Side Panel, which displays both system-generated styles and user-created custom CSS.

Making changes to your custom code will alter the appearance only within your browser.

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