Content within the p tag is failing to wrap onto separate lines

Take a look at the image below:

Here is the code causing issues:

<div class="excerpt">
 <p>Manual for downloading and installing digital content from the Educational Canaima Project, comprised of learning resources that aim to promote interaction between[...]</p>

The text is mysteriously overlapping with the columns on the right. Despite adjusting the heights of all elements to 1000px, the issue persists!

UPDATE: Instead of a link, I have added an image as suggested by @Roddy of the Frozen Peas.

Some have suggested removing the & nbsp; removes the problem. However, since the admin inserts these characters, it was not possible for me to make changes. Thankfully, the accepted answer resolved the issue in the end.

Answer №1

To ensure your paragraph elements break into a new line, apply word-wrap: break-word;.

.post-content .excerpt p {
   word-wrap: break-word;

For more details, refer to the Mozilla Firefox word-wrap guide.

Answer №2

Your webpage is generating excessive white space due to the html structure. To fix this issue, include the following CSS code:

div.excerpt p {
    word-wrap: break-word;

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