Setting up global color variables for React with Material UI theming is essential for ensuring consistent and

Is there a way to customize the default material-ui theme using global CSS? Additionally, how can we incorporate HEX values for colors when setting primary and secondary colors in the theme?

In my App.js root file, I have defined a custom theme and want to include an external CSS file (custom-style.css) in order to override Material-UI's default styling. However, I am struggling to style form element colors for different states and button state colors.

Below is the code snippet:


const theme = createMuiTheme({  
  palette: {
    primary: '#2765af',
    secondary: '#f56428',
  status: {
    danger: 'orange',

function App(){
    <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>

Using HEX codes directly results in compilation errors. Also, without including the theme object and adding the custom CSS file (custom-styles.css) in App.js, the default styles override the customized ones.

If anyone has a solution or workaround, please assist me with this issue.

Answer №1

For example, you can view a demonstration here:

This demo showcases custom button colors using a theme override technique in the App's index.js file.

const appTheme = createMuiTheme({
  palette: {
    primary: { main: "#0A8CAA" },
    secondary: { main: "#FF6347" },
    type: "light"

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