Vue 3 has officially deprecated the use of ::v-deep as a combinator. Going forward, please utilize ::v-deep(<inner-selector>) instead

Recently, an error message has been popping up in Vue 3 regarding the use of ::v-deep.

The warning states that using ::v-deep as a combinator is deprecated. Instead, it recommends using ::v-deep(<inner-selector>)

Here is an example of the CSS causing the issue:

.parent ::v-deep .child {

Can someone explain how to correctly implement the recommended option ::v-deep(<inner-selector>)?

Answer №1

Just a quick heads up: the new syntax is:

.container :deep(.element) {
    (CSS styles)

Answer №2

The relevant RFC can be found at this link:

It is suggested to update it to:

.parent ::v-deep(.child) {


In later versions of Vue 3, the warning message referenced in the original question has been modified to recommend using :deep() instead. This function is an alias for ::v-deep() and you can find more information about it in the documentation here:

Answer №3

This same issue has been identified in Vue 2.7

[@vue/compiler-sfc] ::v-deep usage as a combinator is now deprecated. Instead, use :deep(<inner-selector>).

In my opinion, neither of the proposed solutions effectively address this warning.

To resolve this, I made the following adjustment:

:deep() {
  .class {}

However, it also encountered errors with npm dependencies.

Answer №4

Vue 3 is the latest version of Vue.js.

Check out this link for more information.

div:deep(.v-img) {
    overflow: visible;

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