What is the best way to enhance the class following this condition in JavaScript?

Initially, the original script worked perfectly with just one class being added:

    function check_btn_charge() {
        if (parseInt(jQuery(".total-change-price").text()) >= 0) {
            jQuery(".btn-action-save-charge"+" "+"btn-danger").prop("disabled", true);
        else {
            jQuery(".btn-action-save-charge"+" "+"btn-danger").prop("disabled", false);   

However, when trying to add more classes by using a plus (+) sign and space character to separate them in the condition as shown below, it did not work as expected:

    function check_btn_charge() {
        if (parseInt(jQuery(".total-change-price").text()) >= 0) {
            jQuery(".btn-action-save-charge").prop("disabled", true);
        else {
            jQuery(".btn-action-save-charge").prop("disabled", false);   

What adjustments should be made to this script to ensure proper functionality?

Answer №1

To target an element that has both the classes 'myClass1' and 'myClass2', you can use:


If you want to select elements with either of the classes 'myClass1' or 'myClass2':

jQuery('.myClass1, .myClass2')

The same concept applies for selecting elements with more than two classes.

Learn more

Answer №2

For those who prefer raw JavaScript over jQuery, here is an alternative solution:

const andElements = document.querySelectorAll(".one.two");
const orElements = document.querySelectorAll(".one, .two");
const xorElements= document.querySelectorAll(".one:not(.two), .two:not(.one)");
const norElements = document.querySelectorAll("button:not(.one):not(.two)");

View it in action on JSFiddle

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