Select how the Android Keyboard functions on a mobile site

Currently running into a bit of trouble with my mobile website programming. It seems to be working fine on an iPhone browser, but when my coworker views it on an Android phone, the content gets all scrunched up when the keyboard is brought up.

I've been using vw and vh (view width and view height) for styling elements on my webpage. I suspect that the viewport is being squeezed somehow?

Is there a way to prevent this issue directly from the website's end?

If not, what can I do to ensure that my elements maintain their size even when the keyboard pops up?

Appreciate any help, :)

Answer №1

One approach to determine if the keyboard is open is by utilizing this technique how to detect keyboard visibility using jquery. You can then set temporary maximum height and width values for the content, which can be reverted back once the user closes the keyboard.

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