loading dynamic content into an appended div in HTML using Angular

Here is the HTML code from my app.component.html file:

<button mat-raised-button color="primary" 
    mat-button class="nextButton" 

<div id="calculatedData">

The button above triggers a calculation using an API call. While I am able to get the expected output, the dynamic value generated after clicking the button does not display inside the specified div as intended. Instead, it shows up as undefined in the browser.

Below is a snippet of my app.component.ts file showcasing the calculation process:

    let frmData: any = this.form.value;
    this.dobVal = frmData.contact.dob;
    let onlyYear = String(this.dobVal).split(' ')[3];
    // AGE    
    let age = (Number(new Date().getFullYear()) - Number(onlyYear));

    // NAME
    let name = frmData.contact.firstName;    

    // GENDER    
    let gender = frmData.contact.gender;    

    // smoking    
    let smoker = frmData.basicInfo.isSmoker;    

    // no of dependents    
    let dependentsCount = Number(frmData.basicInfo.adults) + Number(frmData.basicInfo.children);    

    let finalObj = {
        'name': name,      
        'age': age,      
        'gender': gender,      
        'smoking': smoker,      
        'dependent': dependentsCount

      (data: any) => {
        Swal.fire('Plan Amount', 'is  ' + data.name + data.amount, 'success');        
        this.amount = data.amount;        
      (error) => {        
      const x = document.getElementById('calculatedData');  
This is where the dynamic value should be displayed, but currently appears as undefined on the browser:
x.innerHTML = `<div class="appendme">${this.amount}</div>`;    
const len = x.getElementsByTagName('div').length;    

Answer №1

New to Angular? Make sure to take a look at their quick tutorial for beginners. It covers all the fundamental concepts.

If you're dealing with a situation where you need to confirm whether the variable amount is set, use *ngIf along with interpolation to display its value.

<div *ngIf="!!amount">
  {{ amount }}                                    

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