Text within the div element causes the displacement of other adjacent div elements

When the text in mondaySpecial extends to a second line, it pushes tuesdaySpecial-saturdaySpecial further down on the page, disrupting the layout of the divs. The same issue occurs with other specials as well. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

<div id="specials"> <img src="SleepingMoonImages/menuSpecials.png" width="360" height="839" alt=""/> <div id="menuSpecials">
            <div id="weeklySpecialsLabel">Weekly Specials </div>
            <div id="redUnderline1"></div>
            <div id="weeklySpecialsDays">
                <div id="mondayLabel">Monday</div>
                <div id="tuesdayLabel">Tuesday</div>
                <div id="wednesdayLabel">Wednesday</div>
                <div id="thursdayLabel">Thursday</div>
                <div id="fridayLabel">Friday</div>
                <div id="saturdayLabel">Saturday</div>

            <div class="specialsFormat" id="mondaySpecial">Monday Special Content Goes Here df  dsaf fds f sfd</div>
             <div class="specialsFormat" id="tuesdaySpecial">Tuesday Special Content Goes Here</div>
               <div class="specialsFormat" id="wednesdaySpecial">Wednesday Special Content Goes Here</div>
                <div class="specialsFormat" id="thursdaySpecial">Thursday Special Content Goes Here</div>
                 <div class="specialsFormat" id="fridaySpecial">Friday Special Content Goes Here</div>
                  <div class="specialsFormat" id="saturdaySpecial">Saturday Special Content Goes Here</div>
      </div> </div>


  float: left;
  margin-right: 10px;







Answer №1

It appears that the issue lies in how you have specified a bottom for all your specials, causing the content to be pushed down when the div expands. I recommend adjusting your code by giving each element a fixed height that suits your requirements:

.specialsFormat {
    margin: 0 auto;
    width: 300px;
    height: 250px; 

See an example here

Answer №2

If you need help with the layout, here is some markup that might be useful:

float: left;
margin-right: 10px;

max-width: 300px;
<div id="menuSpecials">    
<b id="weeklySpecialsLabel">Weekly Specials </b>  
<div id="redUnderline1"></div>
<div id="weeklySpecialsDays">   
<div class="left" id="mondayLabel">Monday: </div><br/>
<p id="mondaySpecial">Special Goes Here df dsaf fds f sfd</p>        
<div class="left" id="tuesdayLabel">Tuesday: </div><br/>
<p class="wrapme" id="mondaySpecial">Special Goes Here df dsaf fds f sfd Special Goes Here df dsaf fds f sfSpecial Goes Here df dsaf fds f sfSpecial Goes Here df dsaf fds f sf</p>        
<div class="left" id="wednesdayLabel">Wednesday: </div><br/>
<p class="wrapme" id="mondaySpecial">Special Goes Here df dsaf fds f sfd Special Goes Here df dsaf fds f sfSpecial Goes Here df dsaf fds f sf</p>        
<div class="left" id="thursdayLabel">Thursday: </div><br/>
<p class="wrapme" id="mondaySpecial">Special Goes Here df dsaf fds f sfd</p>        
<div class="left" id="fridayLabel">Friday: </div><br/>
<p class="wrapme" id="mondaySpecial">Special Goes Here df dsaf fds f sfd</p>        
<div class="left" id="saturdayLabel">Saturday: </div><br/>
<p class="wrapme" id="mondaySpecial">Special Goes Here df dsaf fds f sfd</p>


Based on your website, I have made an update to my response - the paragraphs now have a maximum width for better text wrapping and layout.

Check out this JS Fiddle link for a demonstration: http://jsfiddle.net/loanburger/vzqohwvf/

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