Safari does not support font-face rendering, unlike Chrome

I am in the process of creating a typewriter-style font page using a local font. I have used @font-face to import it, and while it displays correctly on Google Chrome, it does not render properly in Safari.

You can view the web page here: (you will need to type some keys to see the letters).

@font-face {
  font-family: "dynamik";
  src: url('') format('opentype'),
       url('') format('truetype'),
       url('ttp://') format('woff');

 font-family: "dynamik";

Your assistance is appreciated!

Answer №1

It appears that there are a couple of issues that need to be addressed:

  1. All three font URLs should be updated to use HTTPS
  2. The third URL is missing the initial "h"

Additionally, consider implementing some extra rules in the font-face section such as:

  1. Using font-display: swap property
  2. Including src: local properties

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