Struggling to click on a link while viewing the site on your mobile device?

Recently dove into the world of implementing mobile responsive design for a website I've been working on. While conducting some testing, I observed that the main tabs which direct users to different sections of the site, normally easy to click on desktop, do not respond well when tapped on a phone or in browser developer tools simulating a tap. It takes repeated tapping for them to eventually register, making the experience less than user-friendly.

To see this issue firsthand, visit, switch between tabs in normal desktop view, and then try to tap them in mobile mode.

What exactly sets apart a tap from a click that I might be overlooking?

Any suggestions on how to ensure a link functions as a single tap on mobile devices?

Answer №1

When incorporating angular-touch.js (ngTouch module) into your code, it is important to ensure that ng-click is placed correctly within the template.

<a href="#/pace" class="tabTabs ng-isolate-scope" info="paceCalc">
   <li class="tabRowLi" ng-click="toggleSelect0()" ng-class="tabRowLi">
       <span class="tabText ng-binding">Running Pace</span>

In the provided template, ng-click is located inside an anchor tag. The ngTouch module halts event propagation when clicking on <a>, rendering ng-click inactive.

It is advisable to refrain from using the ngTouch module unless necessary for plugins with dependencies on it, or exercise caution when constructing templates containing ng directives.

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