Update the background color on the sidebar

I want to change the background of the class="col-sm-3 blog-sidebar" to match the color shown in the image below. Essentially, I am looking to update the sidebar background to reflect the picture's color.

How can this be achieved using Bootstrap v3? I've made attempts but haven't been successful so far.

*The current webpage can be accessed at (http://jsbin.com/derequjipi/edit?html,output)

Appreciate your help!

Answer №1

To begin, identify the element by utilizing CSS selectors.

Next, customize its appearance with the background-color attribute:

.sidebar-module {
    background-color: #f5f5f5;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;

Make sure to insert this code into your CSS file.

Answer №2

To enhance your website's aesthetics, consider incorporating the following CSS code:

    background-color: blue; //Personalize this color to suit your preferences
    border: 2px solid yellow; //Customize your border as per your design requirements

For further insights on background properties, refer to W3C Background properties page

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